Manish Punia
by Manish Punia
~1 min read


I got reference of this book from book “Warrior pose by Bhava ram”. Bhava ram mentioned when nothing helped him how the audio tapes from dr miller, helped him to heal from cancer and back injury.

In this book Dr. Miller advocates for holistic approach for healing disease, we can separete mind body while addressing diseases. He mentioned different case studies with story, that makes books more interseting. Mentions different exercise for visualization, and there are set of audio cassttes which are recorded and used by his patents, and proved a effective technique. it is like guided relaxation techniques, I try to get those but those are costly and not selled in directly in india need to purchase from Dr miller’s website.

Overall, it is must read for everybody, it explains how mind and body can’t be separated. and diffrent aspect of mental state affects your body.

In fact, it deserves reread, to absorb all the content. And most important, exrecises mentioned in book. You can guess, I also skipped the exercise in first read, will start those exercises now.